Verona Baptist Church

Verona Baptist Chruch Welcomes You
VBC Kids
At Verona Baptist Church we offer Sunday school for children of all ages at 10:00 am. We also have children`s church during service for all ages.
VBC Youth Group
Our teens group meets once a month. We would love to have you join us for fellowship, worship, and games. For meeting times and dates please be on the lookout for a post on our social media page and website.
Cold Like Symptoms
Here at VBC we love our children! We ask that if your child is experiencing any cold like symptoms such as runny nose, cough, headache, or fever that you do not have them attend Sunday school or children`s church. Please make sure your child has been fever free of 24 hours before returning to church. We love our friends but do not want to share our germs.
Events at VBC
We hope you will join us!